Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Here's to living on the margin!

So, while I know I truly know that I have no time for this in my life and that I probably will be just as sucky at it as I was while in Europe. I also realize that it makes me happy to write. Looking back at the life I have already lived and looking forward to the life that I will lead! Today while sitting in my English class we read something that really got me thinking about life and the way we as adults (if I am aloud to consider myself an adult) do not allow ourselves to live outside of the “margin.” While Ian Frazier defines as “The margin is where you can try out odd ideas that you might be afraid to admit to with people looking on.” We as a people look at margins as being a negative connotation; he turns it around and looks on the bright side. I realized that we need to take the time out in the day, week, month, or even year and just be “marginal” that sometimes the best thoughts, and ideas come from the time that we screw around. As children our best and brightest ideas came from when we were sent outside to play and no one was watching, never worried what people would think and that was when we discovered about life and people. I hope for each and every person out there that you take a minute and live in the “margin.” You take that time to discover a little more about yourself, life, kids, and family. And have a happy new year!

Living on the margin;
        Natalie Romo

*here is Ian Fraziers article that gave me so much to think about! 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Barcelona Baby!

So I have been out and about for the past 3 weeks traveling around Spain. It has been amazing to tour around and I love that I have been given such a great opportunity to do so! For the first week of the trip I was on a work-cation in Marbella!  I met my family down in the south of Spain at the beach! And MAN I cannot tell you how beautiful it was! Just from the balcony of my room it seemed like you could see for miles and miles! just seeing the ocean again was amazing! After a week well spent FINALLY getting my tan back… sort of, I was headed off to Barcelona and my summer vacation finally began.

Day One:
Arriving in Barcelona late afternoon I was able to check into my hostel and take a small rest. When I left my hostel I headed out to check out the town. Heading down one street taking a turn here and there some how I ended up on the main streets of Barcelona. I was searching for food and just kept walking and walking! The streets at 10:00 where just so busy still! I found it so amazing that is was late and there were kids and adults alike out running around, smiling, laughing and giggling, acting like children. Being able to find everything you want one that street from ice cream and gelato to F.C. Barcelona gear or flowers. I loved the atmosphere of the city! Even walking the city at 10:30 or 11:00 it was so active! 100’s of tourists, street performers, and street artists! Finally getting back to my hostel I noticed something interesting and I have yet to figure out why, but the hallways to the hostel were green! I thought it was cool! By the time I got back to my room I was in time to meet most of my roommates. The first night it was a total of six Canadians, a Dutch guy, one English guy, and two Australians. To put this as simple as possible they were all guys and to make it even better they were all totally awesome, nice and rather talkative! Not to mention they were really attractive but that is not really the point… Really!

Day Two:
            On Sunday I decided to take a tour of the city, to learn about Barcelona, past, present, and future, also all the different things that I would be able to do. On this tour I learned so much and not only the history but also that I love to learn and hear about all of the history. There were stories of men killing dragons such as Wilfred the Hairy and St. George. And my personal favorite about a little 13-year-old girl named Eulaia, who later had the Cathedral of Barcelona named after her. But the story behind her goes like this. One day little Eulaia was walking through Barcelona and happened upon a group of Christians getting prosecuted because of being Christian and not Roman Catholic. After seeing this she decided to give the man in charge a piece of her mind. Clearly he did not appreciate this confrontation and in retaliation he decided to humiliate her to the MAX. She was put in the center of the city tied to a pole naked in order to humiliate her. Now here is where things get interesting. In the middle of all this happening it began to snow. The snow covered her naked body so that no one was able to see her naked. After this happened the person in charge decided that she was 13 years old and in turn she should be punished with 13 tortures. Another torture was that they put her in a bucket, filled it with broken glass, rusted nails and razor blades. After this they proceeded to put the lid on the bucket and roll her down a hill. After they opened the container and let Eulaia out there was nothing wrong with her, no cuts, no scrapes, and no bruises. As the tortures continue so do the miracles. By the 12th miracle they decided the best way to make her suffer with out there allowing to be saved by another  miracle they decided to behead her. When her head came off a white dove proceeded to fly out of her body. So in the long run the miracles never ended. As I said they named the church after her and also they keep 13 white geese in the courtyard. It is stories like these real or not that make me love traveling. Stories like these that make me love history, love culture, and gives me something new to live and work towards.

Day Three:
            Walking down the main tourist street there is a big food market. I was headed for a food person’s paradise! There was everything: fresh fruit, seafood, and meats, tapas, nuts, and candies. There was Greek food, Chinese, and Spanish of course. Walking through there were hundreds of people and vendors as well. I had a try of some of the food and it was delicious! After leaving I wandered the rest of the city I pure bliss and happiness! I ended up at the port and there was a mall that had a life size Mammoth and all of the popular clothes shops! Being close to the water again was so nice! It smelled like home.

Days Five: (No I did not miss count.)
            After smelling the ocean air it reminded me about how much I enjoy the beach. To some peoples knowledge I don't love the beach but it was nice to remember what it is like to just lay out in the sun, read a book, listen to music, and completely relax. By the end of the day and after a good meal and talking to a bunch of tourist I decided that it was time to turn in as a day well spent.

Day Six:
            The Sagrada Familia: WOW! Something that has been getting built for over 100 years and is still in the process having about 15 or 20 more years until completion. Just to talk about the outside! This was absolutely amazing! You can tell from this alone that it is going to be just amazing from the inside as well. The architecture is absolutely amazing. There are truly no words that can appropriately describe how beautiful it was! One day I will go back when it is finished and I already know that I will be just as amazed, as I was this day!

Day Seven, E.T. Fly Home:
            Having to check out at 10:30 and my flight being at 9:30 at night saying I had some time to spare was an understatement. So while I was checking out I heard about a tour. In my head I there was nothing else that I needed to do. SO I went around and saw new things and learned new stories!

            I had a couple of days to recuperate before I was headed off to Orgaz a small city outside of Toledo, which happens to be the old capital of Spain. One of the days I went into the city with the kids, nanny, and grandma. They showed me around and it was so beautiful. There are small windy streets and the second biggest Cathedral in Spain, also churches, little bakeries, and so many tourists. Toledo is so beautiful and so is the little city that I am staying in.

The history of these cities is amazing, beautiful, and incomprehensible. I love that I was able to go to Barcelona and spend time there being able to see so much! Then also being in Toledo was great! Everything here in Spain is so visibly old it is great and I feel like I say it over and over again but is indescribable. I love that I have been given this great opportunity and could NEVER take this for granted.

Your Perplexed Traveler;

            Natalie Romo.

I was jumping the route for Don Quijote

The church across from the house during the fair. Orgaz

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Food Market, Barcelona

Food Market, Barcelona

I was standing with Christopher Columbus!

The shopping mall on the pier. 

That tall statue in the background is Christopher Columbus

Barcelona, Toledo, and Orgaz, Spain 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Traveling alone ain't that bad!

Why do you do it? Isn’t it scary? Is it safe? Aren’t you lonely? I get asked the same questions every trip and I answer that same way. Not only as a solo traveler but when you add female to that somehow it just becomes much more worrisome to some people. I love the way that I travel and view it as such a great opportunity to meet people and see things that others may not. I hear about things that you as a group or couple may not because you are not as “welcoming” so meet people as a solo traveler may be! But to just tell the world the same answers that I tell my fellow traveling companions: I travel alone not only because I have to but I like to as well. I meet so many people from all around the world and make so many great contacts.  I know that if I was traveling with a group of friends I am far less likely to reach out and talk to other people then I am when I travel alone. BUT to truly answer the why it is because with the job as an au pair you may not be fortunate enough to be given the same time off as friends hence the SOLE reason I travel alone. Traveling alone can be scary if you allow it to be. In my opinion you just need to think would I do this at home alone? If the answer is yes then go for it what is holding you back? But if the answer is no then do not be dumb, DO NOT DO IT! I feel the next question is always similar to the previous but to answer I believe that traveling alone is completely safe. I have been to 8+ different countries in the time that I have been here. And while knocking on wood I have not had any problems thus far. I have heard some people say to avoid creepy men wear a “wedding band” BUT I have NEVER heard of a person doing that. I think that it is most important that you keep you things close to you and always be paying attention to your surroundings and you will be perfectly fine! And to hit the last big question really quick; I get asked by people staying in the same hostel room as me well aren’t you ever lonely? And to that I think this, I stay in youth hostels not only because they are cheep, I stay in rooms with loads of beds for a specific reason, I an a chatty little person if we start talking I have learned to hold a conversation if I would like and that is by far the best way to start “making friends.” Also another way to go out and meet people is by taking tours, in all the cities I have visited I have taken at least a free walking tour. These are really nice because not only does it give you the chance to learn more about the city but also is a great way to meet people and even make friends. Also there is usually a pub/bar/club crawl tour type thing. So for me as a solo person going on something like this it gives me a safe way to go out into the city at night and have fun while meeting a bunch of people at the same time, and with that you all have something in common.  I do not fear travel but welcome it into my life with open arms and open eyes. I love traveling and all of the great opportunities and learning that it has and will give me for a lifetime of knowledge!
Your Super Solo Female Traveler,

Natalie Grace Romo

Friday, July 26, 2013


So In the past year there is one phrase that I have heard quite a lot that since arriving in Europe. And it comes in different ways but it is all the same! “Awe that’s cute!” “Your cute.” “ Ihr Deutsch ist so süß!” and “Your accent is adorable (and or cute!)” While I didn't notice that it happened so often in Germany by every German dude and chick that I would talk to in German. But after arriving in Madrid I have met an Austrian boy and a German Girl and I was talking with them in German. One of these past four or five statements would be said before the conversation. I am not sure what ever made me notice this BUT when I did this week I also noticed that it kind of frustrates me the same way when I would try to speak and people would not let me practice.
    Now past this thought onto the next. As I am sure many of you have heard there was a HUGE train accent in the north of Spain. There were a total of 78 fatalities! I am sending my thoughts and prayers to the families and people who were affected in this and I am sorry that this happened around the same time as the religious holiday St. James Day! This day is in celebration one of the 12 apostles. James came to Spain and spread the word or Christ. There is normally a big celebration that happens in Santiago De Compostela. This being the place where James remains are buried thousands of people every year make the trek to come to visit the body and others just for a the adventure of walking for weeks in a different land and culture than their own. So again my thought, condolences, and prayers go out to everyone here in Spain! And if you didn't hear about the accident I will add a link down below with an article!

From your deep thinking traveler,

At the city center of Madrid. This tells a story about the past and laws that are enforced in the future! The emblem of the area.

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." 

Links to 2 Articles about the acident.