Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Here's to living on the margin!

So, while I know I truly know that I have no time for this in my life and that I probably will be just as sucky at it as I was while in Europe. I also realize that it makes me happy to write. Looking back at the life I have already lived and looking forward to the life that I will lead! Today while sitting in my English class we read something that really got me thinking about life and the way we as adults (if I am aloud to consider myself an adult) do not allow ourselves to live outside of the “margin.” While Ian Frazier defines as “The margin is where you can try out odd ideas that you might be afraid to admit to with people looking on.” We as a people look at margins as being a negative connotation; he turns it around and looks on the bright side. I realized that we need to take the time out in the day, week, month, or even year and just be “marginal” that sometimes the best thoughts, and ideas come from the time that we screw around. As children our best and brightest ideas came from when we were sent outside to play and no one was watching, never worried what people would think and that was when we discovered about life and people. I hope for each and every person out there that you take a minute and live in the “margin.” You take that time to discover a little more about yourself, life, kids, and family. And have a happy new year!

Living on the margin;
        Natalie Romo

*here is Ian Fraziers article that gave me so much to think about!