Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Au Pair, Quick update on Me! sorta!

I am currently sitting at my desk thinking wow! I have not written in a really long time! I really should do that! So here I go… I guess! Also i have been here for about 6 weeks! Can you believe it!

Last week was the first week of school for the kids! Cedric started on Monday and Stella on Thursday! In the empty days for Stella we had some time to bond, which was really great! On Monday Stella had a dentist appointment and asked me to come! She was getting a tooth pulled! OUCH! So any ways while at the dentist I saw for the first time in my life the numbing needle because normally I close my eyes! I will most likely to continue to close my eyes till I die! :) (Why change what’s working? huh!) Anyways getting past the needle we quickly moved on to the pulling! All I could think was… Seriously what the hell am I doing right now! OMG I think I may pass out!!! The whole time! Not a joke! Anyways after leaving we went shopping and then since it was a week ago… I forgot! Haha the rest of the week went by really fast on Tuesday the kids and I went to a wild animal park. And no not like the one is Esco! The animals were actually wild! But it was still really cool! Wednesday was a cleaning day! And Thursday Stella was at school and magically my days got just a little bit easier! Now what I have had all day I have had more time to clean and stuff! I think of it as housewife training! Yah and don’t we all know that its just my complete dream to become a housewife-_-… thrilled! (Can you sense the sarcasm though the screen? I hope so!) Anyways so for the rest of the week and then this week also I have been trying to improve on my cleaning.! Ha-ha one day someone will really truly appreciate it! I am almost sure! This week has been really just getting ready for tomorrow because Natalie had a business meeting tomorrow! JOY! Anyways I will write again very soon and really try my best to write more often! Goodbye for now! My head is going to slam into my pillow so fast! I hope that I sleep well tonight! Night night y’all! 

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