Saturday, June 22, 2013

Paris part 2. Part 2 ;) + Dachau!

OK so as promised I was just visited by my grandparents and I got all the pictures from their camera from Paris. So here they are.
My french friends/family!  
Me and my Grandparents

At the Louvre

Out in an open air market! :) 

Lunch, pulling a usual Natalie face.

My in my special French hat! :)

Watching Rugby, Their bodies... that should say it all.

Ice Cream with Laura!

Also when they visited we made a visit to Dachau! This was the first and I would say that it was also the most “important” because it was a model for all the rest. “It was the first Nazi concentration camp being built in 1933. Jews, political prisoners, homosexuals, and others deemed ‘undesirable’ by the Third Reich were imprisoned in the camp. More then 200,000 people were sent here; more then 30,000 died at Dachau, an countless others died after being transferred to other death camps.” Berry, Oliver. “Discover Germany, Dachau.” Lonely Planet Discover Europe. [S.l.] Lonely planet, 2013. N. pag. Print.   Being there was sobering, shocking, and I am not even fully sure how to explain it. It was great chance to see this and I still want to go see others! Someone told me once that I should never go alone. And now. I am glad that I didn’t!

 Another monument!
 Never again
A Cathlic church on the camp and on the right was a Jewish church and the left was a Protestant church!
 When entering the crematorium area!
The cremators.
 This is were they would shove the people telling them that they were going to take a shower and instead would be gassed. this room was right next to the crematorium area!

May the example of those who were exterminated here between 1933-1945
Because they resisted nazism help to unite the living for the defence of peace
and freedom and in respect for their fellow men.

I have now been traveling for almost 11 months and have seen so much and been on some GREAT adventures! I am so happy and can't wait to see what is next.

Your adventurer! 
Natalie Romo

"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list"
                                              -Susan Sontag

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